top of page PO Box 291 Lake George NY 12845 (518) 668-2764
Find a tour that fits your activity level...
You're a leisurely traveler.
You like to discover the energy of a place, but typically take it easy. You can handle at least one flight of stairs, board a coach and walk for 15-20 minutes at a time with little difficulty
Level 1
Level 2
Level 3
Level 4
You like a balanced approach to travel. You feel confident walking 30-45 minutes at a time over a variety of terrains - from cobblestone streets to easy straightaways to a couple of hills or flights of stairs. You also appreciate time to
relax and unwind.
You're an on-the-go traveler.
Walking or standing for longer periods of a time (1-2 hours ) isn't a big deal. You can navigate hills and uneven ground, climb into various modes of transportation (cable car, zodiac, tuk-tuk etc.), and
could possibly anticipate changes in elevation. Expect some longer days balanced with free time.
You are ready to seize the day, whatever it may bring.
Melissa Pagnotta
Group Travel
You lead an active life at home (walking, biking
and hiking are things you may enjoy) and a few thousand steps a day isn't out of the norm. You
can handle longer walking tours (more than 90 minutes), traversing dusty or uneven terrain,
standing for periods of time, varying altitudes & temperatures, and don't mind being on the go
with early starts, late night experiences & full days.
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Group Travel Opportunities of a Lifetime!
Let us find the right tour for you and handle all your arrangements!
Based out of Beautiful Lake George NY
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Industry Leading Travel Protection
Tour Presentation with Collette - Wed. Sept 25th at 3pm
At The Barnsider Smoke House in Lake George Please Call (518) 668-2764 or email to attend
Photos from - Norway 9/22 - 9/30 2024
160 Tours 7 Continents
* Classic Group Tours
* Small Group Explorations
* Spotlights - Single Hotel Stays
* Cruising
* Faith Tours
Go to "Photo Gallery" Page to see more!
Photos from Painted Canyons of the West Tour
Colorado, Utah
& Nevada
Travel Gallery
Holland & Belgium Springtime River Cruise
April 2022
"You have to have taste a culture to understand it." - Deborah Cater
"I haven't been everywhere, but it's on my list!"- Susan Sontag
June Talley - Traveler
I have traveled extensively world wide, but none of our guides can compare with Melissa's low key, but efficient and on schedule tours.
Eileen Webb - Traveler
It was truly an amazing adventure. One that I will never forget. I made some new friends, had lots of laughs, experienced lots of new foods and saw things I might never have seen if I hadn't gone with you all!
Kathleen Connerty - Traveler
Thank you so much for introducing me to the wonderful pleasure of being able to travel safely and in the company of friendly people.
What People Say...
"If we were meant to stay in one place we would have roots instead of feet."
- Rachael Wolchin
"To travel is to evolve" - Pierre Bernardo
Life is either a daring adventure or nothing at all - Helen Keller
"Wherever you go, go with all your heart." - Confucius
            "Like all travelers, I have seen more then I remember                Â
and remember more then I have seen"- Benjamin Disraeli
"Travel makes you modest. You see what a tiny place you occupy in this world- Gustave Flaubert
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